Andy's Man Club

← Back | Last updated on 7 Dec 2023

About Organisation

ANDYSMANCLUB are a men’s suicide prevention charity, offering free-to-attend peer-to-peer support groups across the United Kingdom and online. We want to end the stigma surrounding men’s mental health and help men through the power of conversation. #ITSOKAYTOTALK

ANDYSMANCLUB has over 120 free support groups nationwide, running every Monday from 7PM except bank holidays. In these groups, men can open up about the storms affecting their lives in a safe, judgement-free and non-clinical environment. Our clubs are designed to be free of pressure, there is no obligation for men to speak, they can simply listen if they wish.

With over 2800 men using our sessions every week, and an army of 900+ volunteers on board, the movement is continuing to grow week-by-week. We firmly believe in the power of talking and that #ItsOkayToTalk.

Andy's Man Club
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