Bridport Youth and Community Centre

← Back | Last updated on 7 Nov 2024

About Organisation

At Bridport Youth & Community Centre we run 4 youth club sessions per week: one Junior sessions, one Middle session and two Senior sessions alongside an outreach programme and a C-card clinic. All our youth clubs provide a safe space for local young people including those from rural areas. Our sessions are full of different type of activities, and we also run music events for our young people. All activities are during term time only.

Swifts Junior Youth Club - years 3,4,5,6,7

Wednesdays 5pm - 7pm

Tigers Middle Youth Club - years 5,6,7,8

Fridays 5pm-7m

Senior Youth Club - years 9,10,11,12,13

Wednesdays 7:30pm - 9pm & Fridays 7:30pm - 9:30pm. Outreach & C-card Clinic also operating during these sessions.


Our activities range from arts sessions with local artists, crafts, various sports, music room, recording studio, pool room and tuck shop. Check out our Facebook/Instagram pages for regular updates of what we are up to!

Outreach Programme

For several months now youth workers have been out on Wednesday & Friday nights walking around town working with young people ensuring their safety. One of our main aims is to encourage the young people of Bridport to come to youth club, chill out and hang out with their peers. We understand that youth club is not for everyone that's why we have started the outreach programme which has been sponsored by Dorset Council Grant. It is an essential service providing help and guidance to local teenagers. We work Wednesdays between 7:30pm and 9pm & Fridays between 7pm and 9pm patrolling the popular areas where young people congregate. We are making sure they are having a good night, keep safe & stay informed about what's on offer for young people in Bridport.

C-Card Clinic

Our Youth club is a registered C-card venue. The C-card scheme is aimed at young people between 13-24 years old who can register to get a range of free condoms, femidoms, lubes, dams and mostly invaluable information, advice and help on how to access local services. All you have to do is visit BYCC in person and have an informal, confidential consultation with a specially trained youth worker who will then give you a C-Card, condoms, lube and/or any help or advice you may need. Once you have a C-Card you can access free condoms from all our C-Card distributors.


We have a large team of dedicated youth workers who are trained in youth work, safeguarding & all hold an enhanced DBS checks.

Volunteers Needed

If you are enthusiastic and would like to get involved with any of the youth clubs please contact Heather Marston on The work involves helping to organise a range of activities including sports, competitions, games and social events. No previous experience necessary.

Scroll down to see all of our activities and projects below:

Bridport Youth and Community Centre
01308 422 009​
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Gundry Lane
Bridport, DT6 3RL
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