Children and Young Peoples Public Health (Health Visiting and School Nursing) Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust
About Organisation
Health visiting and School Nursing sits within the children and young people’s public health service 0 to 19.The teams comprise of Health Visitors, School Nurses, Public Health Staff Nurses and Public Health Nursery Nurses.
As a training trust, we are committed to supporting the training of student nurses and other allied practitioners and so students may accompany us and be present during appointments.The team is committed to safeguarding all children and young people and adheres to the pan-Dorset Safeguarding Children Partnership guidance.
Health Visiting (0-5):
Health Visiting staff work with children and their families to promote health and wellbeing from the antenatal period up until five years of age.
We provide 5 Mandated contacts to all families including:
- Antenatal appointment from 28 weeks of pregnancy.
- New birth contact between 11 and 14 days after birth.
- 6-8 week development review
- 10-12 month development review
- 27 month development review
We also provide:
- ParentLine 0-5 text messaging advice service for parents of 0-5 year olds - https://www.dorsethealthcare.n...
- Virtual Weaning sessions
- Well baby Drop in clinics - https://www.dorsethealthcare.n...
- Advice and support with Transition to parenthood
- Support with Parental mental health
- Support with Breastfeeding
- Advice on Healthy weight, healthy nutrition and physical activity
- Advice on Managing minor illness and reducing accidents
- Advice on Health, wellbeing and development of the child, including support to be ready for school.
School Nursing (5-19):
School nursing staff work with children, families, schools and other agencies to support the health and wellbeing of school-age children across Dorset. School nursing staff have a public health role in working with school aged children and their families, aiming to promote health and wellbeing. We encourage healthier lifestyles and provide information, advice and support to children and their families.
School Nursing provides the following:
- Health screening and assessments
- Healthy eating, weight management and physical activity advice
- Emotional health & well-being support
- Bed-wetting (enuresis) clinics
- 1:1 appointments with young people
- Referrals and/or signposting to other services
- Chat Health text messaging advice service for 11-19 year olds -https://www.dorsethealthcare.n...
- Parent line 5-19 text messaging advice service for parents of school aged children - https://www.dorsethealthcare.n...
- NCMP growth measurements in Reception and Year 6
- Support around safeguarding/child protection issues.
Contacts :
Health Visiting:Dorset HealthCare :: Contact your local health visiting team
School Nursing:Dorset HealthCare :: Contact the team
Children and Young Peoples Public Health (Health Visiting and School Nursing) Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust
Health Visiting Hubs - Poole 01202 646425, Bournemouth 01305 363043, Purbeck and East Dorset 01929 557593, Dorchester, North Dorset, Chesil and West Dorset 01305 361071, School Nursing Hub 01929 557558… Social media