Innovate Dorset Tutoring - photo

Innovate Dorset Tutoring
Innovate Dorset

0 - 25 Free In-person


Innovate Dorset
41-44 King Street
Wimborne, BH21 1EB
Google Maps


Project availability

The activity runs from 5 September 2022 to 5 September 2023. The Dorset Youth does not manage bookings for this activity and is not responsible for the delivery of the project. If you have any questions, please contact the organisation directly.

School Term
School Holidays
Bank Holidays

The time, date and price of sessions will be arranged with Innovate Dorset.


Whatever the reason for losing confidence or interest in education, Innovate Dorset Learning Mentors are here to help. Whether it's a traumatic event or complex block, our Tutors are patient, supportive and follow the same practice as our Progressive Mentors when engaging with a child or young person for education and building a solid professional working friendship based on mutual trust and respect.

Our part-time tutoring service is well known and respected for offering a supportive package to reintegrate the student into full-time education or find pathways to employment or further education.

Delivering a range of subjects to students in a more relaxed, less crowded approach, our learning mentors and students can build professional relationships built on respect and trust. Many of the activities and skills our learning mentors deliver are designed for the students to replicate and practice away from the session, should they want to.

To do this, mentors use the EDIP principles—a practical teaching method to teach skills to students.

  • Explanation
  • Demonstration
  • Imitate
  • Practice

Our part-time interim service is happy to provide you with mentoring, tutoring or a mix of both, between two and fifteen hours maximum per week, delivered at the home or offsite.

Contact our friendly staff today for a quote: - 01202 885511


Innovate Dorset

41-44 King Street, Wimborne, BH21 1EB


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