Mentor Programme for Care leavers. - photo

Mentor Programme for Care leavers.
Organiser: Dorset Youth

Activity 18 - 25 Free In-person



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Project availability

The activity runs from 12 June 2024 to 12 June 2025. The Dorset Youth does not manage bookings for this activity and is not responsible for the delivery of the project. If you have any questions, please contact the organisation directly.

School Term
School Holidays
Bank Holidays

Our mentors can offer 2-4 hours a month to a mentee this is flexible and timings/days will be worked out between the mentor and the mentee. Visits can also be a mixture or face to face and phones calls if this suits the mentee, so the location of where the meetings take place will be dependant on the location of where the mentee and mentor live.


The programme is designed to help improve the lives of care experienced young people aged 18-25.

A mentor, will provide 2-4 hours a month of guidance, encouragement and positive listening ear to help them overcome challenges, set goals and help them build a brighter future.

As a ‘critical friend’ Mentors are able to offer guidance, support and form a positive one-to-one relationship with care experienced mentees, who may have experienced limited life chances.

The mentor’s role will provide

support to the mentee to enable them to take responsibility for areas of professional and personal growth. The mentor is there to create a supportive, challenging and reflective learning environment.

What mentor will do for you

  • To liaise with mentee to identify a safe space in which to meet
  • To build an effective relationship with a mentee
  • To plan mentoring sessions with mentee in advance so the mentee can be prepared for session and have things to be discussed
  • To listen and help mentees to identify and address barriers to their success
  • To offer perspective, drawing on your own experience in dealing with life, for example preparing for job interviews, budgeting and planning for the future
  • To work with the mentee and to set and monitor agreed goals
  • To keep a journal of meetings and undertake relevant evaluations

If you are interested in having a mentor please complete the referral form or if you would like to find out more about how a mentor could support and help you please get in touch via


Dorset Youth

01305 262 440 email hidden; JavaScript is required
Lubbecke Way, Dorchester, DT1 1QL


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