We Are With You in BCP

← Back | Last updated on 5 Sep 2022

About Organisation

WAWY in BCP works with Children and young adults (10-24yrs) who are actively using substances, those who are not using or teetering on the edge, and those who are affected by someone else's substance misuse by offering them support via our YP Specialist and Resilience work. We can provide Young Carers specialist support if this is a highlighted need.

We work in conjunction with schools and other educational settings delivering our 6 week Be Ur Self resilience based group programme to those who need targeted support to look at substances, self esteem, communication etc.

Our families provision includes working with substance using adults referred to us by our SPOC colleagues (parents, parents involved in Social Care or the family courts). We support non using family members and/or carers who have been referred into the Picking Up The Pieces group which is run bi-weekly at RHub from 6:30-8pm and can assist and signpost those family and/or carers who are not accessing PUTP (whole family approach).

Anyone that we work with, in any capacity, we will look at the whole family and their needs to work with, refer to or signpost as needed.

Referrals for young people under 18 via the ART Brokerage Team on 01202 458012 or email for a form artbrokerage@bcpcouncil.gov.uk

For those aged 18-25yrs - self or professional referral via SPOC or via the PDS halo form – https://pds.drugreferrals.com/

Timeout toolkit

Link : https://timeout-toolkit.wearewithyou.org.uk/

An interactive tool to help you calm your mind and body when feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

Self soothing basically means being kind to ourselves. Self soothing is how we calm our bodies when we are overloaded by stress or overwhelming emotions. You may already be practising some self soothing or grounding exercises without even realising it.

Expanding your toolbox of skills can help you find something that works when things feel overwhelming or you find it difficult to settle.

Self soothing activities are very individual and we hope we have given you lots of things to try out. See which ones work for you. It’s important to try out a variety and see how they make you feel. You can throw activities that don’t work for you in the bin. Learning new ways to relieve stress and anxiety is an important life skill to have.

Sometimes we need to stop thinking about the past or trying to predict the future and instead practise staying in the present moment. Staying in the present allows people to feel safer and more in-control.

This Tool Kit is designed to appeal to your five senses and to help you focus on your physical world and how you experience it.

If you are seeking further help and support, please explore the Additional help section on this Tool Kit.

For more information, please visit our Website.

Scroll down to see all of our activities and projects below:

We Are With You in BCP
01202 558 855
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161 Old Christchurch Road
Bournemouth, BH1 1JW
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